
Zemljevid Sudana

Zemljevid Sudana

Zemljevid Sudana z vrisanimi tremi gorskimi področji, kjer živijo staroselci (Jebel Marra, Nubske gore in gorovje Ingassana). Ti so po političnih spremembah še toliko bolj ogroženi.

Tomo poroča

Tomo poroča

Antonov in the sky at about 16.00. We ran as always to the first dry river bed. As every day I filmed mothers who forgot to take their children, men looking intensly in the sky ... Machine went and then returned. We hear typical sssshhhhhhh ... and then booommm, booommm ....Tomo Križnar, Kauda, Wednesday, June 22 2011

Tomovo sporočilo za javnost

Tomovo sporočilo za javnost

The sistem of photo and video ground monitoring rebel areas of Nuba Mountains has started this morning. Eleven highly motivated men divided into five teams hastly left Kauda to go to the front lines in Kadugli, Kurchi, Talodi, Western Jebels, Heiban and Delami equipped with ten mini video cameras, ten common "turist" cameras, four laptops and two mobile internet satellite modems, all organised by slovenian humanitarian organisation HOPE. Tomo Križnar, 22. junij 2011