
article by Jeffrey Gettleman - The New York Times

article by Jeffrey Gettleman - The New York Times

LEWERE, Sudan — Children with shrapnel wounds lie on metal hospital cots. Thousands of others have been huddling in caves and stony riverbeds, fleeing the fighter jets and bombers prowling the skies. Villages are empty, fields unplowed. At the faintest buzz of a plane, people scatter into the bush, in a panic.June 30, 2011

Miren dan

Miren dan

Only one disturbance by MiG. Hit dry riwer bed near Kauda. Farmers immideately desapered from fileds up in the mountains among greath granite blocks. Vilages empthy, markets empthy, no vagetables, no fruit - only a couplo of lemons.Tomo Kriznar, June 29.2011

Novo poročilo iz Nubskih gora

Novo poročilo iz Nubskih gora

Children have enough. Lots of crying, lots of questions. Non stop ready for run. MiGs are not Antonovs from the last war in Nuba Mountains (1985 - 2001), they cross the sky over the valley in a couple of seconds. Yesterday we ran five times - never jumped in safety before they are on the other side of the sky. Tomo KrižnarIn the womb of mother Earth with her children, on 25. june 2011