"Oči in ušesa Boga - videonadzor Sudana"
Celovečerni dokumentarni film"Oči in ušesa Boga - videonadzor Sudana" Več:
Celovečerni dokumentarni film"Oči in ušesa Boga - videonadzor Sudana" Več:
Halima Kega tells her displacement story from Nuba to South Sudan, and that the one responsible for her suffering, Omer Albashir who must be taken to the ICC. Več:
On January 9th and 10th, 2012 there was heavy fighting between SAF and SPLA-N forces in the village of Braum and Tess. The SAF forces pushed their way to Braum in an offensive attack. The SPLA-N forces repelled the attack and the SAF forces retreated back to Kadugali. Več:
nedelja, 29. 1. 2012, ob 19. uri Dom krajanov Primskovo Jezerska cesta 41, Kranj Več:
Intervju z Ibrahimom Khalilom (Poveljnikom upornikov JEM) iz leta 2009, ko so mu Tomo Križnar, Klemen Mihelič in Suleiman Jammous predstavili takrat nastajajoči humanitarni projekt kamer za Darfur. Ibrahim Khalil je bil ubit pred tremi dnevi.