video evidence of attack by Khartoum regime on civilians in the Nuba mountains
The new Darfur?July 3, 2011
The new Darfur?July 3, 2011
LEWERE, Sudan — Children with shrapnel wounds lie on metal hospital cots. Thousands of others have been huddling in caves and stony riverbeds, fleeing the fighter jets and bombers prowling the skies. Villages are empty, fields unplowed. At the faintest buzz of a plane, people scatter into the bush, in a panic.June 30, 2011
Only one disturbance by MiG. Hit dry riwer bed near Kauda. Farmers immideately desapered from fileds up in the mountains among greath granite blocks. Vilages empthy, markets empthy, no vagetables, no fruit - only a couplo of lemons.Tomo Kriznar, June 29.2011
»We do not trust you!« expresed woman speakers one after another in front of heaqy armoured egiptian and chines man under blue helmets.Woman, children and old people demonstrated in front of UNMIS camp in Kauda demanding leave of mostly egiptian soldiers contingent from their besieged and day by day bombarded country becouse UNMIS is not doing nothing to protect their families.28. june 2011
Killings of children and other civilians in Kurchi, Nuba mountainsFor the time: Tomo Križnar, June 27. 2011