On 8th/12/2011, at 3:15am an antenov bombed Kauda town and injured 7 people and it dropped 7 bombs.In Kauda village, there is no military garrison or military presence here and this is totally civilian residents only. 3 bombs landed on 3 families’ compounds or fences and destroying their houses as it is in the pictures attached. The below are the names of wounded persons:Eyes and Ears team, December 8, 2011
Z nakupom tega koledarja boste pomagali povezati ljudi na žrtveniku sveta med Severnim in Južnim Sudanom s še občutljivim delom človeštva. Naše video kamere, prenosni računalniki in satelitski modemi nam omogočajo videonadzor na področjih, koder lovci na naravne vire iztrebljajo najbolj nedolžne domorodne Afričane. Največjih zločinov proti človeštvu obtožena vojaška hunta, se najbolj boji, da bodo grozodejstva posneta in po satelitskih povezavah poslana mednarodnemu sodišču v Haagu. Več:
Pri Eko knjigi je pred kratkim izšla zbirka treh čarovniških knjig za otroke, ki postavlja v ospredje tri najstniške sestre – Taro, Laro in Saro – s čarovniškimi močmi. Dekleta uporabljajo svoje moči v dobre namene, toda ni vsaka vragolija, ki jo ušpičijo, brez posledic. Poleg tega jim je vseskozi za petami zlobni Van Hlod ... Del sredstev od prodaje bo namenjenih organizaciji H.O.P.E., knjigice pa bodo prejeli tudi donatorji, ki bodo do konca leta Humanitarni ustanovi H.O.P.E. namenili najmanj 19 EUR. Več:
Ljubljana, 9. avgusta 2011 – Danes mednarodna skupnost obeležuje mednarodni dan staroselskih ljudstev sveta, s čimer želi opozoriti na marsikdaj spregledana in pozabljena ljudstva, s katerimi si delimo svet, na njihove kulture in raznolikost. Nemalokrat so ta ljudstva tudi na robu uničenja, kot se dogaja z Nubami v Sudanu. Več:
Nuba need now, not tomorow, attention of all still sensitiv world. Nuba need video control, sort of video survelance, which is protecting banks, insurance companies, children gardens against criminals in our part of the world. Cammon champions of human rights join togheter against the criminal gang suported by oil hunters from east, west, north and south... Withnout you who know what is happening nothing will be done. Nuba need more cameras, more lap tops, more portable satelite internet modems. So you will see ... what the evil forces are trying to hide. More: Common people it is the Year 2011 ... and we are all on test ...
Sudanese Struggle to Survive Endless Bombings Aimed to Quell RebelsLEWERE, Sudan — Fatima Ramadan, mother of six, froze, her eyes shooting up to the sky.“Antonov!” she yelled.Little girls threw down the pebbles they were playing with. Toddlers, sensing danger, started to wail. About two dozen people grabbed the young and dashed up the mountainside into a cave. It was hot and dark inside, and the children’s eyes were wide with fear.“I don’t like this place,” said Kaka, a 10-year-old girl.Nobody does. And yet thousands of people live like this.By JEFFREY GETTLEMANPublished: July 3, 2011
LEWERE, Sudan — Children with shrapnel wounds lie on metal hospital cots. Thousands of others have been huddling in caves and stony riverbeds, fleeing the fighter jets and bombers prowling the skies. Villages are empty, fields unplowed. At the faintest buzz of a plane, people scatter into the bush, in a panic.June 30, 2011
»We do not trust you!« expresed woman speakers one after another in front of heaqy armoured egiptian and chines man under blue helmets.Woman, children and old people demonstrated in front of UNMIS camp in Kauda demanding leave of mostly egiptian soldiers contingent from their besieged and day by day bombarded country becouse UNMIS is not doing nothing to protect their families.28. june 2011
Children have enough. Lots of crying, lots of questions. Non stop ready for run. MiGs are not Antonovs from the last war in Nuba Mountains (1985 - 2001), they cross the sky over the valley in a couple of seconds. Yesterday we ran five times - never jumped in safety before they are on the other side of the sky. Tomo KrižnarIn the womb of mother Earth with her children, on 25. june 2011
Antonov in the sky at about 16.00. We ran as always to the first dry river bed. As every day I filmed mothers who forgot to take their children, men looking intensly in the sky ... Machine went and then returned. We hear typical sssshhhhhhh ... and then booommm, booommm ....Tomo Križnar, Kauda, Wednesday, June 22 2011
The sistem of photo and video ground monitoring rebel areas of Nuba Mountains has started this morning. Eleven highly motivated men divided into five teams hastly left Kauda to go to the front lines in Kadugli, Kurchi, Talodi, Western Jebels, Heiban and Delami equipped with ten mini video cameras, ten common "turist" cameras, four laptops and two mobile internet satellite modems, all organised by slovenian humanitarian organisation HOPE. Tomo Križnar, 22. junij 2011
There is a strong feeling, that Nuba are facing same siege as described so sistematically in Alex de Waal book »Facing genocid«. Goods are not coming in the mountains from the North and there is no supply from the South. Air supply after last bombardments is too dangerous to most of NGOs helping Nuba before. They evacuated their staff. Two weeks ago war started. South betreyed Nuba, everybody is saing that, so Nuba can not excpect to be supplied from South even so little as they were in the last war.Tomo Križnar, 18. junij 2011
Jutri ponoči bom odpotoval v Jubo. Ne vem še, če me bo Samaritan vzel na letalo v Nubo. Rayana iz te ameriške humanitarne organizacije, za katero sem se januarja prepričal, da kljub evangelijskemu delu (beri pokristjanjevanju ... beri pripravljanju afriških janičarjev na križarsko vojno proti arabskim muslimanom ...), dejansko od vseh še najbolj skrbi za staroselce v Nubskih gorah, ne morem priklicati na telefon.Tomo Križnar, 7. junij 2011, Kampala Več:
June 8, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Fighting in Sudan’s flashpoint state of South Kordofan has rumbled on for the third consecutive day, forcing the UN to suspend operations and sparking both domestic and international concerns. Meanwhile, tension has been exacerbated after a local official of north Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) was assassinated on Monday amid reports that hundreds of people have fled fighting in the state’s town of Kadugli. More
June 3, 2011 — Today, Darfur is old news. Complex, seemingly irresolvable problems, fractured armed movements and the failure of the uprising against the government have silenced the outcry over what is happening in the region. Even today, the arrest of Ratko Mladi?, the architect of the Srebrenica massacre seems to generate little reflection about what power can do to innocent people, when in the hands of an amoral maniac. In Jebel Marra people do not need to be told. They know. They know today and have known for the last ten years what it means to be on the receiving end of an amoral government and the self-interested behavior of the international community. More
January 27, 2011 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese army on Wednesday carried out an aerial bombardment on rebel-controlled areas in north Darfur and threatened to "burn down" a base of the UN-AU hybrid peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) in the area. Troops of Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) clashed a day before on Tuesday with rebels from the Sudan Liberation Movement of Abdel Wahid Al-Nur joined by combatants of the disaffected SLM faction of Minni Arkoi Minnawi in Tabit area, 45 kilometers from El-Fasher, the provincial capital of North Darfur state. More: