
Report from Nuba Mountains: many will die, many...

Report from Nuba Mountains: many will die, many...

Nuba need now, not tomorow, attention of all still sensitiv world. Nuba need video control, sort of video survelance, which is protecting banks, insurance companies, children gardens against criminals in our part of the world. Cammon champions of human rights join togheter against the criminal gang suported by oil hunters from east, west, north and south... Withnout you who know what is happening nothing will be done. Nuba need more cameras, more lap tops, more portable satelite internet modems. So you will see ... what the evil forces are trying to hide. More: Common people it is the Year 2011 ... and we are all on test ...

Thanks and a scream for help from the Nuba Mountains…

Thanks and a scream for help from the Nuba Mountains…

If you can, we kindly ask you for a donation! Every euro counts and every euro will be spent exclusively for helping the endangered civilians! You are also kindly invited to sign the petition and raise awareness on the atrocities committed in Sudan. More Več

article by Jeffrey Gettleman - The New York Times

article by Jeffrey Gettleman - The New York Times

Sudanese Struggle to Survive Endless Bombings Aimed to Quell RebelsLEWERE, Sudan — Fatima Ramadan, mother of six, froze, her eyes shooting up to the sky.“Antonov!” she yelled.Little girls threw down the pebbles they were playing with. Toddlers, sensing danger, started to wail. About two dozen people grabbed the young and dashed up the mountainside into a cave. It was hot and dark inside, and the children’s eyes were wide with fear.“I don’t like this place,” said Kaka, a 10-year-old girl.Nobody does. And yet thousands of people live like this.By JEFFREY GETTLEMANPublished: July 3, 2011

Call for HELP

Call for HELP

To everyone still interestedKauda, Sunday, 3. July 2011