
Message for public

Message for public

The sistem of photo and video ground monitoring rebel areas of Nuba Mountains has started this morning. Eleven highly motivated men divided into five teams hastly left Kauda to go to the front lines in Kadugli, Kurchi, Talodi, Western Jebels, Heiban and Delami equipped with ten mini video cameras, ten common "turist" cameras, four laptops and two mobile internet satellite modems, all organised by slovenian humanitarian organisation HOPE. Tomo Križnar, 22. junij 2011

Tomo poroča o razmerah v Nubskem gorovju

Tomo poroča o razmerah v Nubskem gorovju

There is a strong feeling, that Nuba are facing same siege as described so sistematically in Alex de Waal book »Facing genocid«. Goods are not coming in the mountains from the North and there is no supply from the South. Air supply after last bombardments is too dangerous to most of NGOs helping Nuba before. They evacuated their staff. Two weeks ago war started. South betreyed Nuba, everybody is saing that, so Nuba can not excpect to be supplied from South even so little as they were in the last war.Tomo Križnar, 18. junij 2011

Sudan: Border fighting could unravel the peace process

Sudan: Border fighting could unravel the peace process

Conflict in 'contested areas' on the new border is jeopardising peace on the eve of South Sudan's independence With South Sudan on the verge of independence, a new wave of fighting and displacement is spreading across the disputed border areas. Peter Moszynski, Sunday 12 June 2011 More:

"Tik pred dežjem"

"Tik pred dežjem"

Jutri ponoči bom odpotoval v Jubo. Ne vem še, če me bo Samaritan vzel na letalo v Nubo. Rayana iz te ameriške humanitarne organizacije, za katero sem se januarja prepričal, da kljub evangelijskemu delu (beri pokristjanjevanju ... beri pripravljanju afriških janičarjev na križarsko vojno proti arabskim muslimanom ...), dejansko od vseh še najbolj skrbi za staroselce v Nubskih gorah, ne morem priklicati na telefon.Tomo Križnar, 7. junij 2011, Kampala Več: